Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Middle Plains Campaign Session 19, Panem 9-11, 1181 EC

Session 19

  • Matt
    • Huzn Erste, Dwarven Fury 3
      • Denis, Crusader of Phanriel 3
      • Meinard, Fighter 2
      • Gustav, Mage 1
  • Brooke
    • Swanhild of Eldeskhur, Barbarian 2
      • Hilda Zorig, Barbarian 0

Panem (August) 9, 1181 EC, 2pm

Having routed the goblins behind them, and with the black knight ahead, the party continued their retreat and left the dungeon. On the way out, they heard the two goblins who had fled before them splashing in the flooded chamber east of the sinkhole. The party left without further incident and returned to Priorsford (and scored the XP that I accidentally gave after last session).

On the way back they pondered creative ways to destroy the goblins, including alchemical poison gasses.

Upon arriving, they ran into a commotion with two wagon teams entangled, and limestone bricks spilled across the road. After calming the tensions, the party helped clear up the mess and talked to one of the wagon drivers. He was bringing limestone down from the town of Altberg (yes, berg, not burg) to the north. Altberg was familiar to Huzn as the closest human settlement to the Dwarves of Bronzegate, his home.

Back in town, Huzn solidified his plans to begin a massive house over the Shrieking Hollow, complete with a stone basement enchanted with Protect Dwelling from Evil. He put down the majority of his remaining gold (5000 gp) for it and began hiring workers.

Meanwhile, Swanhild took their potions to Searlus, who luckily was able to identify all four. They sold one to Searlus and two to Count Schulte, and kept a potion of extra-healing.

Meinard and Gustav went to Riele Horn’s house, and Gustav smoothly convinced Sir Niklaus to allow him to search the wizard’s laboratory. The two spent three days going over the laboratory with a fine-tooth comb, and came up with two more interesting finds.

Swahild, meanwhile, tracked down rumors of ‘Ehsan’, the name mentioned in Adan Rosul’s journal. Uwe, the bartender of the Broken Wheel, told her that Ehsan was an old Rythan Wizard who lived in the Truber Forest to the east. He kept to himself due to the general prejudice against Rythans in Ostheim. Her father had known Ehsan, but Uwe didn’t know if they were allies or not.

Panem 10

Meinard found small bars of gold hidden in a hollowed-out book, and like with the earlier potions and scrolls, he hid the goods and took them.

Panem 11

Gustav finally found a mechanism to open a door behind the south bookcase by tracing a particular rune. The door opened to a staircase, which went down below the ground level. The two opted to report this finding to Sir Niklaus and not explore further themselves.

Current XP totals:
Huzn: 7454/12400 (level 3)
Swanhild: 3684/5200 (level 2)
Snak: 714/2600 (level 1)

Denis: 3626/6000 (level 3)
Meinard: 3020/4000 (level 2)
Gerrit: 324/2000 (level 1)
Gustav: 150/2500 (level 1)
Hilda: 150/2000 (level 1)

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