Sunday, October 22, 2023

Middle Plains Campaign Session 20, Panem 12-14, 1181 EC

  • Huzn Erste, Dwarven Fury 3
    • Denis, Crusader of Phanriel 3
    • Meinard, Fighter 2
    • Gustav, Mage 1
  • Swanhild of Eldeskhur, Barbarian 2
    • Hilda Zorig, Barbarian 1
  • Snak, Barbarian 1
    • Gerrit, Fighter 1

Panem (August) 11, 1181 EC

After some discussion (and the influence of their moral compass, Denis), the party decided to come clean about the bars of gold they’d found. Meinard, more familiar with noble customs, went to the Count with the information and apologized profusely for the tardiness. His apology charmed the Count so much that he levied only a 10% tax on the gold, leaving the party with a significant chunk of money.

Panem 12, 1181 EC

On the morning of the 12th, the party made ready and set out into Truber Forest to look for the home of Ehsan, the Rythan wizard. They traveled through the forest uneventfully until toward sunset they came across a large chunk of black basalt. About 100’ long and 20’ high, it jutted out of the forest, totally out of place with the surrounding terrain.

After exploring carefully, Snak discovered a glowing crystal in a nook in the rock. He broke it off and took it.

Panem 13

Midmorning the party stumbled into the nesting grounds of six eagles which swooped in the attack. The party slaughtered the raptors with only a few scratches, and proceeded to cook them.

Later in the afternoon, they heard the sound of a cart. They met a man with a mule-drawn cart heading south. He was wary initially, but calmed down after seeing Denis the crusader and realizing the party were not bandits. After a short discussion, Swanhild asked him about Ehsan. For a bribe, he gave directions to the wizard’s compound. The party immediately changed course.

Toward evening, they had another strange encounter. An armed troop of elves crossed their path and the leader stopped to parley with them. He spoke to Denis in terse celestial, only long enough to ascertain that they were no threat. The party wanted no trouble, so the elves jogged off on their way.

Panem 14

The party set off, nearing their goal.

Swanhild’s sharp eyes spotted something strange - in the hollow of an old oak, a small wooden box nearly buried in leaves and rot. Inside they found an old vellum map showing a section of the Titan Hills. A location was marked, but no further information recorded.

About noon, the party found what appeared to be the compound. A small collection of wooden cottages and gardens enclosed by a wooden palisade. At the gate, a bored spearman snapped to attention and challenged them. When they asked for Ehsan, he told them to wait at the gate and sent a gardener running for him.

Ehsan was a man of Rythan ethnicity, with curly, long hair and beard of pure white. He wore a gold-fringed robe and carried no weapons. He greeted the party politely and asked if he could be of service.

When Swanhild laid out that she was looking for Adan Rosul, her father, he invited the party into his hall. Over wine, he explained his history with Adan.

Ehsan had come to him about 6 years earlier, desperate for help with a cursed sword that was so deeply attached that even magic had failed to remove it. Ehsan had offered a solution, but one that required a rare ingredient - pure etherium. Adan had struggled to find it, but three years ago he had disappeared.

Treasure: 1 glowing crystal, 1 strange map
Enemies defeated: 6 large raptors
XP: 36
12 per PC
6 per henchman (Meinard and Gustav stayed behind)

Current XP totals:
Huzn: 7466/12400 (level 3)
Swanhild: 3696/5200 (level 2)
Snak: 726/2600 (level 1)

Denis: 3632/6000 (level 3)
Meinard: 3020/4000 (level 2)
Gerrit: 330/2000 (level 1)
Gustav: 150/2500 (level 1)
Hilda: 156/2000 (level 1)

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