Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Middle Plains Campaign Session 17-18, Panem 7-9, 1181 EC

 Session 17

  • Matt
    • Huzn Erste, Dwarven Fury 3
      • Denis, Crusader of Phanriel 3
      • Meinard, Fighter 1
      • Gustav, Mage 1
  • Brooke
    • Swanhild of Eldeskhur, Barbarian 2
      • Hilda Zorig, Barbarian 0
  • Mike
    • Snak, Barbarian 1
      • Gerrit, Fighter 1

Sanguis (July) 25

We began by going back in time to figure out what Snak was up to during the downtime. Gerrit had to make a loyalty check due to being dropped to 0 in the previous adventure, but passed with a 12 and redoubled his commitment to adventuring with Snak.

We also rolled the monthly death save for Taredd, and the unfortunate elf passed away due to complications from his broken neck. Due to his previous service to the town of Priorsford, the brothers of Blessed Anthony Priory volunteered to keep vigil over him in the traditional elven fashion, watching over his body until the elf-moon, when it will disappear and return to Fairyland.

Gerrit and Snak then spent the next two weeks aiding the fishermen in forming an unofficial citizen militia. A patrol from the town watch checked up on them and found no seditious plans, so they were left alone.

Panem (August) 7

We rejoined the main party in Shrieking Hollow, with Snak and Gerrit catching up to them after their skirmish with the goblin sentries.

The party inspected the sinkhole leading to the second level, and smelled woodsmoke and oil. Meinard dropped a torch down the hole, and ignited a large pile of oil-soaked rags which had been piled at the bottom. Goblins were heard fleeing from the area.

The party let the fire burn out, then proceeded.

Following the goblin tracks, they checked a side passage to make sure nothing was behind them and came across a few sleeping goblins. They were quickly dispatched except for one, which Huzn took prisoner. Under questioning, the prisoner, “Grik”, informed them that a warband of goblins had come here with the intent to “wait for the dwarf to return and kill him”. The goblins knew of the necromancer and black-armored man, and the necromancer woman had paid them in “shiny silver” to come here. Huzn also asked for the location of their secret tunnel, and was told it was “in the chasm.”

Despite his hatred for goblins, Huzn felt that he ought to go above and beyond in showing mercy due to his recent conversion, and he decided to press the goblin into service instead of killing him. He branded Grik’s hand with the back of an Ostheim-minted gold piece, whose ‘tails’ side shows Aura Hill in Summa, the site of the Compact.

The party carried on to the chasm chamber, and were met by a volley of slingstones. Four goblins fired from behind a barricade on the far side of the chasm. The barbarians immediately leapt the chasm to attack, and the goblins sprung their trap with the blowing of a horn.

Four more goblins attacked from the side chamber where the party had once found the body of Brother Ambrose. Ten more including a sub-chieftain charged from further down the passage across the chasm. Fortunately, the second flanking party of four had already been dispatched on the way in.

With good positioning, some epic cleaves and a fair bit of luck, the party carved through all 18 goblins without anyone going down. Huzn took out ¾ of the flanking force in a single cleave to save his mage henchman. The vulnerable mage took a hit but luckily only min damage. Hilda, the new 0-level barbarian, managed to kill the sub-chieftain. And with a miraculous loyalty roll, Grik didn’t betray his new master Huzn when the opportunity arose.

As the dust settled, every goblin except Grik lay dead, several PCs were at very low health and all spell slots were used, but everyone in the party was still standing.

Session 18

We picked up as the party licked their wounds after their battle with the goblin warband. They quickly did some looting, pocketing a small iron key and a carved brass dagger from the chieftain. Then the party ran for the exit.

When they reached the top, Huzn decided to leave Grik at the bottom of the sinkhole, since goblins can’t stand the sun. He instructed the creature to wait and promised to return with food.

Upon returning, the party employed a local physicker’s apprentice to help heal their injuries, and rested. They had a great feast in the Broken Wheel Inn.

Panem 8

When Huzn returned the following day, he found Grik gone and the wooden door smashed from inside. He left immediately.

Panem 9

In the morning, Huzn visited the Priory and talked to his friend, Brother Karl. He identified the books and scrolls which Meinard had found.

In the afternoon, the party returned to Shrieking Hollow.

On the second level, they found that the bodies of the dead goblins had been removed. At the bottom of the chasm was a new pile of rubble - apparently the remnants of a collapsed tunnel.

After crossing the chasm they met goblins again. After the goblins blew their war horn and missed a few initial arrows, the barbarians Swanhild and Snak drove them off with terrifying war cries (2 characters with Intimidation + goblins who just cleared away 20+ of their dead buddies = morale check on which they got a result of 0). The goblins fled deeper into the caves. A small flanking force came up behind the party in response to the war horn, but since the party was unengaged, the flanking force was ravaged by ranged attacks and a light spell.

As the ranged fight across the chasm took place, some of the party searched the goblin camp, and Huzn piled up bedding across a choke point and soaked it in military oil. As predicted, the fearful goblins reappeared, and behind, driving them on, a black-armored figure with a flame-wreathed sword. The goblins, already terrified of the party, were not eager to cross the fire despite the fiery sword at their back. This gave the party time to find the goblin chieftain’s chest and unlock it with the key recovered last time.

As soon as the gold was secured, the party retreated, leaving the black knight and the remaining goblins behind.

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