Sunday, May 12, 2024

Novalia Campaign Kids Session 3

The Protectors of People


  • Emily, Fighter 1

    • Ashaia, Explorer 0


  • Fight Wizard, Wizard 1

    • Firesword, Fighter 1

    • Jack Armstrong, Thief 1

Dolor 12, 1181 EC

With Ashaia incapacitated, and the hobgoblins and kobolds both alerted, the Protectors of People made for the exit. Luck was on their side, and they left the Buried Temple and Viaspen Forest without any further encounters.

Upon returning to Turos Tem, Ashaia resigned from the party. With her crippled arm, she’d never wield a bow again.

Dolor 13

The party returned to the buried temple by the same path as yesterday. At the gate were four kobolds again, but this time the party was spotted. One kobold ran barking into the temple, while the others readied javelins to throw. They barked taunts at the party, which greatly offended Emily.

The party came up with a tricky strategy. They sent out Emily, their most armored member, to go out and draw the javelins before the rest charged in. She walked out of the trees yelling “hey, over here!” and dodged around. With the defence action, Emily had a ridiculous 11 AC, and the javelins were totally ineffective.

Fight wizard and his henchmen charged, but not a single hit was rolled, and the kobolds retreated through the great bronze doors.

The party carefully followed, and entered kobold territory. They opened a door and were met with another volley of javelins, but once again Emily's plate armor was unbeatable. When they charged in to attack, more kobolds came out of side passages covered with curtains. One of them reached Fight Wizard and wounded him, but the wizard retreated and the warriors blocked the passages.

After the kobolds in the room were killed, those from the side passages pulled back.

“That's what they get for taunting Emily!”

The party also retreated and left the temple, since Firesword and Fight Wizard had been injured. The kobolds didn’t pursue, and the party made it back out.

Enemies defeated: 8 kobolds

Treasure: none

XP: 14 per PC

Current XP totals:

Emily: 735 / 2,000 (level 1)

Fight Wizard: 735 / 2,500 (level 1)

Firesword: 367 / 2,000 (level 1)

Jack Armstrong: 22 / 1,250 (level 1)

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