Sunday, May 5, 2024

Novalia Campaign Kids Session 2

The Protectors of People


  • Emily, Fighter 1

    • Ashaia, Explorer 0


  • Fight Wizard, Wizard 1

    • Firesword, Fighter 1

    • Jack Armstrong, Thief 1

“My girls are being sure to make stern faces, so any beastmen we come across will know we mean business.”

Dolor 12, 1181 EC

The Protectors of People marched confidently out of Turos Tem, ready to make the foul beastmen pay, and claim the Legate’s 2000 gp reward. 

They reached the Viaspen, then spent about 6 hours wandering the forest before they found something. A group of dead bodies pierced with arrows lay along the trail. Emily immediately ordered Ashaia to look for tracks in the area, which she found quite easily. 

The clear and careless trail led the party to a great hill, mysteriously dome-shaped and with a huge hole in the side. Jack snuck up to the entrance, then brought the party to a spot where they could see. Inside was a worked stone wall with bronze doors, guarded by four dog-faced kobolds

Ashaia began the attack with a perfect arrow, and the fighters charged. They slew three of the diminutive kobolds and the fourth fled through the doors, barking wildly. 

“They're not very bold… they should be called Kocowards!”

The party expected more kobolds to come out, so they waited in ambush outside the doors for some time, but nothing came out. 

Finally they decided to venture inside. They weren't straight ahead, passing through a room with no ceiling and a statue of an evil looking man with an iron crown. They took a long hallway, ignoring many doors left and right until they stumbled into a room with four hobgoblins on guard!

The waiting hobgoblins got the jump on the party. Ashaia, in the lead, was hit by two thrown spears and fell with a scream.

Her comrades charged and slew three of the four, and the last one retreated. 

Ashaia had been badly wounded. Mechanically, she was at -5 HP, and needed to be healed to 1 within a turn, or she'd bleed out and die. Their only healing option was Fight Wizard’s potion, which had a ⅓ chance of saving her. 

The kids were on the edge of their seats as I explained the situation, and Vincent excitedly announced that he was going to use the potion. The roll… a 5 on the die, and she was restored to exactly 1!

With a crippled arm, Ashaia’s career as an archer was over, but the party had at least saved her life.

We stopped here, with the task of escaping the temple with their wounded comrade still ahead of the heroes.

Enemies defeated: 3 kobolds, 3 hobgoblins

Treasure: none

XP earned:

30 per PC

Current XP totals:

Emily: 721 / 2,000 (level 1)

Fight Wizard: 721 / 2,500 (level 1)

Firesword: 360 / 2,000 (level 1)

Jack Armstrong: 15 / 1,250 (level 1)

Ashaia: 15 / 2,000 (level 0)

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