Monday, February 3, 2025

Dark Age of Eracost Session 5

From my perspective, playing Fingol the Navgarine Keeper.

  • Fingol Innes, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 1

    • Tavenna, 0-level apprentice keeper

    • Kilosz, 0-level launderer

  • Greg, Paladin 1

  • Ambrogino, Venturer 1

    • Szeidran, 0-level guard

  • Shevayron, Tratkean Fighter 1

  • Saporobir Caan, Explorer 1

May 21, 427

With the brigands locked in their keep, we formed up at the bailey gate and brought forward our ballista.

A stranger (new PC replacing Jaret) calling himself Saporobir came upon our rearguard and met with some suspicion, but assured us of his hate for Tarvon. He snuck around to the back of the keep alone.

We fired our ballista and punched a hole through the keep door, then advanced. At about 90 ft. out, Ambrogino and Shevayron shouted to the remaining brigands. Our demands were simple. Everyone except Tarvon was to lay down arms, and they would be allowed to walk away.

To the remnants of a force which had lost more than three quarters of its strength, up against an enemy whose numbers and strength was still unknown, this offer was too good to refuse. Weapons were thrown from windows, and out of the gate came the bulk of the remaining men:

  • 27 brigand archers

  • 2 navgarine practitioners (mages)

  • 4 priests

Each man was searched and questioned, then allowed to flee. They told us that Tarvon was hiding on the upper level. After the others had gone, Shevayron questioned the priests. We learned that this brigand group was native to Waterwatch (a nation to the south which is known mostly for piracy). Tarvon had lost his village in a war with Rantal, and turned to brigandry. Our party was not impressed by these excuses, and Shevayron was particularly incensed at Keudan priests going along with a group that indiscriminately slaughtered innocents. Going back on his word, he ordered the priests tied up to be delivered to the Earl of Amtolosz.

Unbeknownst to the main force, Saporobir was scaling the back of the keep with a grappling hook. He made it to the top and found a locked trapdoor. On this he knocked and said, “Tarvon! I’m here to save you, hurry up!” The door opened, and inside was Tarvon with his three captains, his wife and two other women. Saporobir offered the brigands an escape with his rope, and they agreed, apparently in desperation. They sent Saporobir down first, followed by Tarvon himself. Saporobir slid quickly to the bottom, smashed his lantern and started shooting arrows at the brigand leader, who was injured before scrambling back up.

Still unaware of this, our party stormed the keep with Greg and Shevayron in the lead, and the bulk of the spearmen behind. On the ground floor we found some enslaved villagers who we released. We caught Tarvon’s men on the roof and held the trapdoor with spears. After taking a few volleys of arrows, they finally surrendered.

Shevayron interrogated the men, but we learned little. Then we put Tarvon and his captains to the sword.

May 24th

After two days rest in our shiny new (ok somewhat shoddy and partly burned down) fort, the captured warhorses were again fit for travel.

We left behind the Szeidran, our most loyal henchman (now a 1st level fighter) to command the spearmen and archers and hold the fort. We returned to Amtolosz in triumph, bearing the head of Tarvon.

On the way in, we met a wounded soldier who told of dragonman raiders north of town.

We met the Earl, collected a tidy 1000 gp reward, and presented our case. We asked to be given title to the land around the fort we’d captured, to keep the area secure from further dangers. This was left to be decided next session.


Most of the party reached level 2 and henchmen level 1. Fingol and Ambrogino reached level 3 due to lower level caps (they were capped at 1 xp below 3 after taking the keep, then pushed over by the reward).

The party got a big influx of gold by selling the warhorses and spoils of the brigands, and we got a decent haul of other loot including a +1 sword, 7 magic scrolls, 6 potions, a treasure map and an alchemy lab in the keep.

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Dark Age of Eracost Session 7

  Party Baron Fingol Innes, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 3 Tavenna, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 2 Kilosz, Fighter 1 Baron Gregoire, Palad...