Saturday, January 4, 2025

Dark Age of Eracost Campaign Session 3

From my perspective, playing Fingol the Navgarine Keeper.


  • Fingol Innes, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 1

  • Greg, Paladin 1 (in absentia, played by me)

  • Jaret, Navgarine Urchin 1

  • Ambrogino, Venturer 1

  • Draeo, Assassin 1

  • Shevayron, Tratkean Fighter 1

April 14, 427

Late in the evening, the party returned to Amtolosz and went to the Garden House inn, where they met a Tratkean sailor named Shevayron and quickly recruited him.

April 15-27

During the following two weeks of downtime the party sold all the bandit gear, including the magic items, and spent lots of money on equipment, mounts, dogs and henchmen. Fingol managed to get a war dog and kitted him out with spiked chainmail.

In all, four 0-level henchmen were hired. Jaret hired two women who appeared to have potential as thieves, and Draeo began training them in hopes that they would be able to level into assassins. Ambrogino hired a spearman from the town guard. And Fingol hired Tavena, an apprentice Navgarine Keeper.

“I’m essentially looking for if any of the women are morally dubious.” - Jaret

“I need FIGHTING MEN!” - Fingol before hiring a female mage.

“If you were to fall down the stairs, would you survive the impact?” - Jaret to Tavena, who turned out to have 1 hp.

April 28

The newly expanded party set out toward the location which we’d been told contained a hill fort occupied by Tarvon and his brigands. The total strength now was 6 PCs, 4 Henchmen, 2 hunting dogs and 2 war dogs.

April 29

We stashed Ambrogino’s cart and set out on elk-back to scout the hex. Very quickly we stumbled upon the fort, a small stone keep with a wooden palisade around the bailey. We set up along one of the trails leading toward it.

It wasn’t long before a patrol of 5 men came across the party’s path, and we ran them down, taking a prisoner. We got some basic numbers out of the prisoner before executing him, and found that the brigands had more numbers than we thought. We also found out that there were two patrols of 5 men out, and the route of the other. Thanks to this information we intercepted the second patrol and wiped them out as well.

April 30-May 1

The party had some wounded, and wanted to go back to town as the new month would mean another war dog, so we headed back to Amtolosz. On the way, we spotted what may have been a valuable vein of ore.

There, in addition to the new supply of war dog and military oil, we found that we could obtain siege engines. Ambrogino promptly built himself a war wagon with a medium ballista on the back. None of us understood the rules for siege engines so we got away with (figurative… just barely) murder. Next session we’ll have to correct the ballista rules, but at this point we were rolling with a warthog from Halo.

May 2-3

Returned to the field. Updated strength: 6 PCs, 4 Henchmen, 2 hunting dogs, 3 armored war dogs and a medium ballista on a cart.

We camped out again on the brigand patrol routes, and this time ran across a patrol of 10 men. They’d obviously doubled the patrol size since we ambushed the previous ones, but this was to our benefit, as we still won the fight with ease and took out twice the men.

Figuring if it worked once it might work again, we checked the opposite patrol route and… voila, another brigand patrol. This time after the shock and awe of our ballista, we captured 5 men.

May 4-5

We took the 5 prisoners back to Amtolosz and turned them in to the guard, accepting a small reward.


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Dark Age of Eracost Session 7

  Party Baron Fingol Innes, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 3 Tavenna, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 2 Kilosz, Fighter 1 Baron Gregoire, Palad...