Fingol Innes, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 3
Tavenna, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 1
Kilosz, Fighter 1
Greg, Paladin 2
Shevayron, Tratkean Fighter 2
Saporobir Caan, Explorer 2
From my perspective playing Fingol the Navgarine Keeper.
May 24, 427
After some deliberation, the Earl of Amtolosz confirmed our rights to the fort, and named those party members who agreed to be raised to the rank of baron. We would rule the wilderness barony as an oligarchy. We decided to name the fort Vigilant Keep.
Then followed a massive amount of downtime activity tracking. We took a full 60 days of downtime, primarily so Fingol could study 6 (!) new spells. If you’re wondering how he had so many open slots, Keepers of the Stars get expanded repertoire at level 3 along with access to level 2 spells, Fingol has INT 17 and hadn’t filled his extra slot from hitting 2nd level.
While Fingol powered up with spells (aka natural power techniques in this setting), other party members trained proficiencies, and Saporobir partied the entire time, spending well over 1500 gp and becoming a local legend.
July 24
Finally, the party was ready for adventure. We set out to track down the two treasure maps that we’d looted from Tarvon’s brigands. The first map led us to a cave, east of Vigilant Keep. Inside we discovered a prisoner had been kept by the brigands. We found out that this man (a navgarine) was an apprentice alchemist, and the brigands had forced him to work on some kind of cursed potion, involving tiger eye, willow bark, blessed thistle and holy water.
July 26
Having allowed Simul, the prisoner, to rest a day at Vigilant Keep, we took him back to his hometown, a small Nomoine village. There he was reunited with his family, and refused Fingol’s offer of work as a henchman.
July 27
Searched for the treasure from the second map, and it was simply a buried chest with some silver and gems.
July 28
Returned to Rantal to sell some scrolls and resupply. The sale of magic items got Tavenna to 2nd level.
The general plan from here was to investigate the disappearances north of Amtolosz caused by dragonmen.
Fingol’s Squad
Reserve xp: 125
Fingol Keeper 3 4169 / 7280
Tavenna Keeper 2 1813 / 3640
Kilosz Fighter 1 1718 / 2000