Thursday, November 28, 2024

Game Mechanics of Praying for Miracles in ACKS II

Today I'm sharing my house rules for miracles in Novalia.

Two things led to me writing this set of rules. Firstly back in February, Arbrethil dropped this very interesting set of house rules. At the time I read them with great interest, but didn’t think they were quite right for my campaign. Then, one of my players had a character pray for a spontaneous miracle, a cure from poison. It came at a time and place where, while unlikely, it was totally plausible in-world that his god might be listening.

So, I made a quick ruling, rolled a die and carried on. Rulings over rules, right? Well, not so fast. As Alex Macris and others have pointed out, rulings should become rules, lest the campaign become inconsistent and regress into a game of “mother may I” in the long term. My initial ruling was a band-aid. Roll a d20, and on a 20 your god will grant your request. This was fine for a one-off where I need a ruling off the top of my head, but obviously simplistic, easily abused and not conducive to actually simulating the world.

The result of sitting down to flesh out the system is this: my own version of Miraculous Divine Magic, using Arbrethil’s work as a foundation.

Miracles v3 (google drive pdf)

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