Raven, Giant
Legend has it that the giant ravens are descended from ancient ravens who feasted upon the bodies of the titans, slain by their thousands in the Titan Wars that nearly wiped them from the face of Kedu. These massive corvids have a wingspan of up to 15 feet, and display semi-human (or even greater) intelligence.
Giant ravens display a strange fascination with magic, and have an innate ability to absorb it.
Giant ravens despise their debased beastman cousins, the Ghurans. They will occasionally use their magic to aid lawful forces fighting against Ghurans or chaotic wizards, despite being neutral creatures with no love for civilization. They will sometimes befriend arcane casters, or serve other powerful beings in exchange for magic items.
Unlike most monsters, giant ravens’ ability to gain XP by absorbing magic means that they are present in the world at higher levels. See Advancing Monstrous Henchmen (ACKS II Judges Journal p. 352). An adult giant raven has 4*** HD, and therefore requires 36,000 XP to advance to 5 HD. Giant ravens may advance in HD past the normal limit of 9 for man-sized creatures, but only gain 1 hp at levels 10-14.
Giant ravens have an intellect of 4d6 drop lowest, minimum 9. Each giant raven has spellcasting abilities as a Wizard of his HD, with bonus spells in his repertoire if he has an INT bonus. Giant ravens need not make any physical gestures to cast their spells, and can cast while flying, even though they lack the ability to hover. However, they cannot cast without speaking. Giant ravens lack the ability to enchant magic items, due to the effect of their magic absorption.
Giant ravens are clever, cautious and often cruel. They will take any opportunity to use stealth or magic to make a fight unfair, and flee anything close to an even fight. When they have the upper hand, they are vengeful and ruthless.
As scavengers, giant ravens have acute vision, acute olfaction and immunity to mundane poison and disease.
Magic Absorption:
Giant ravens may absorb magic from spells and magic items. Whenever a spell is cast directly against a giant raven, he may attempt a spell saving throw to absorb it. Whenever a spell indirectly affects a giant raven, he may attempt a spell saving throw to partially absorb it. As a combat action, a giant raven may attempt to absorb an existing spell effect as if casting counterspell. If the counterspell succeeds, the spell is absorbed.
When a giant raven partially absorbs a spell it has no effect on him, and he recovers 1 hp. When a giant raven absorbs a spell it is completely dispelled, and he recovers health according to the spell’s level:
A giant raven may absorb magic from a magic item while resting. While absorbing magic, the giant raven has no need to eat. The magic is slowly leached away, empowering the raven. The process of absorbing enchantment from a magic item progresses at the giant raven’s research rate (using HD for level) multiplied by 3 (since it progresses 24 hours a day), and the process is complete when the item’s base cost has been reached. Items with charges may be drained one charge at a time. Other weapons must be absorbed all at once, or the progress is lost. When absorption is complete, the giant raven gains XP equal to the item’s base cost.
When resting in an elemental place of power, ravens passively absorb magic power in the form of XP. Each full day of rest in a minor elemental place of power grants 15 campaign XP (450 per month). A major place of power grants 30 (900 per month) and a supreme place grants 60 (1800 per month). Factoring in campaign XP thresholds, this means that a giant raven in a minor elemental place of power will eventually reach 5 HD, a giant raven in a major elemental place of power will eventually reach 6 HD, and a giant raven in a supreme elemental place of power will eventually reach 7 HD.
Giant ravens are sometimes solitary, but more often congregate in family groups near elemental places of power. They typically mate for life and both parents care for their few young. They care nothing for the trappings of civilization, and build nests much like their animal counterparts. These nests are typically filled with baubles, gems and pretty stones, along with drained magic items.
A slain giant raven can be harvested with Animal Husbandry, Labor (Butchery) or Trapping for the following components useful in magic research:
Eyes (1 stone, 60 gp, Bewitch humanoid, Discern Invisible)
Claws (2 stone, 120 gp, +2 weapon, slicing blow)
Brain (2 stone, 120 gp, Avian messenger, discern magic)
Encounter notes:
A giant raven nest will include two adult parents (the male and female are difficult to distinguish outwardly) and 1d3 young. Young have 1d3 HD and deal 1d4 damage with their talons. They have spellcasting abilities matching their HD but cannot absorb magic items or spells.
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