Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Novalia Kids Campaign Session 6

The Protectors of People


  • Emily, Fighter 1


  • Fight Wizard, Wizard 1

    • Firesword, Fighter 1

    • Jack Armstrong, Thief 1

Dolor 17, 1181 EC
11:30 am

“WHO DARES ENTER MY COURTYARD,” boomed a massive voice. Purple and black wings loomed up and the party looked into the face of a young dragon.

Both players were hesitant, but Fight Wizard stepped up and said, "we just killed this kobold here." The reaction roll was middling.

"That was my kobold. How will you repay me?" rumbled the dragon, looming over them.

After a moment's thought, Fight Wizard offered the two small gems he'd found. However, the reaction roll went against them.

"I'll accept your gems, along with a new slave to replace my kobold."

This scene was a bit too tense for the young players. Perhaps the dragon voice was a bit too scary. Tears were welling up as they realized that the Protectors might well be toast.

After a bit of a break and pep talk, the party decided they weren't willing to give anyone up, and were going to take their chances fleeing the room. It all came down to an initiative roll. Normally we roll initiative only for PCs, and henchmen go on their leader's initiative, so we stuck to that.

The dragon's roll... a 4.

Fight Wizard's roll... a 4!

That means the presence of kobolds in the room saved him, since the party was outnumbered.

Emily's roll (with Evy's eyes closed because the tension was too high)... another 4!

Unbelievably, the party ran like hell and slammed the door behind them just as a roiling cloud of purple poison gas hit behind them, puffing through the gaps in the door frame.

Not even daring to look back (much less collect the treasure they'd left behind in the kobold quarter) the Protectors ran all the way out, and didn't stop moving until they reached Turos Tem late that afternoon.

Enemies defeated: none

Treasure: 2 agates, 14 small wooden carvings

XP: 166 per PC, 83 per henchman

Current XP totals:

Emily: 934 / 2,000 (level 1)

Fight Wizard: 934 / 2,500 (level 1)

Firesword: 466 / 2,000 (level 1)

Jack Armstrong: 121 / 1,250 (level 1)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wizards of Novalia v2

Wizards of Novalia, my set of house rules for arcane magic in ACKS II, has now been updated to v2.

Big updates since v1:

  • New spells, including some classics removed from ACKS II and some of my own

  • Cantrips, overhauled from the version in AXIOMS and with many new ones

  • Cantrip magical research

  • Minor ritual casting (with a very lore-critical spell for the Novalia setting)

Original blog post: here

Google docs link for version 2: here

Dark Age of Eracost Session 7

  Party Baron Fingol Innes, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 3 Tavenna, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 2 Kilosz, Fighter 1 Baron Gregoire, Palad...