Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wizards of Novalia

Shaded Magic

In the very first issue of Axioms magazine, Autarch introduced the concept of shaded magic. It’s a great addon that marks certain arcane spells as black or grey, and penalizes mages with corruption if they abuse such power. In exchange, wizards gain a significant set of new class powers which compensate for the limits on spellcasting. This system is also present in the ACKS II Judges Journal, with updated rules for applying similar codes of conduct to custom classes.

In my setting, Novalia, I’m using in my own version of shaded magic that I've modified to fit my cosmology.

Here it is, with the custom encounter table redacted as a DM secret.

Google drive link: Wizards of Novalia pdf


  • Lore: The Arcane Contract
  • Shades of magic: White, Grey, Black and Ethereal
  • Ethereal encounter system
  • White/Grey and Black arcane spell lists
  • Modified Wizard class, updated for ACKS II and Novalia
  • Updated elven racial features
  • Quick updates to Elven Nightblade, Elven Spellsword, Nobiran Wonderworker, Gnomish Trickster

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