Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Novalia Campaign Session 28

The Body Builders:


  • Huzn Erste, Dwarven Fury 4

    • Denis, Crusader of Phanriel 3

    • Meinard, Fighter 2

    • Gustav, Mage 1


  • Swanhild of Eldeskhur, Barbarian 3

    • Hilda Zorig, Barbarian 1


  • Olivier Dufresne, Venturer 2

Panem 21, 1181 EC, 9:30 PM

Last session Huzn had entered a room with three “armoires,” which animated and marched toward him. This session, the armoires turned out to be animated suits of armor. I’m not sure how that happened, but it definitely wasn’t because the DM was an idiot and forgot what an armoire was. No, I’ll probably never live that down.

Anyway, given the sudden change in foe, we re-arranged a bit and didn’t roll surprise for the party, then the battle was on. After a couple of lucky shots, the party charged in, but found the armor suits quite difficult to put down. As the melee dragged on, the party started taking some serious blows, and switched tactics to withdrawing and shooting where possible. Swanhild and Hilda were trapped in the statue room during the withdrawal, and Hilda went down, but Swanhild managed to slip by and escape after some lucky misses.

Finally, after peppering the slow-moving animated armors with arrows, crossbow bolts and javelins, the party managed to finish them off and get through to Hilda. She’d taken a terrible blow to the face and lost several teeth, but was still alive.

The party found themselves at a heavy, locked door which had been guarded by those animated armors for untold years, but they were tired (having been in the dungeon almost 8 hours), badly beaten up and completely out of spells, with a giant ant hill at their back and hours from safety. Not to mention lacking anyone with lockpicks or an axe. So, they turned back toward the library. Huzn grabbed the helmet and gauntlets of one of the armor suits.

Olivier briefly snuck up the stairs to check what was on the next level, and saw a high-ceilinged room with black stone pillars and a strange sigil painted on the floor. He backed up immediately.

As the party went through the library, they heard pursuing footsteps coming down the stairs. Immediately, they spiked the library door and ran. Whatever it was never caught up.

The long, dark journey through the goblin tunnel and shrieking hollow was mercifully uneventful, and the company returned to Priorsford intact, well after midnight.

Panem 22

The next day was spent resting, since the entire party needed to recover from fatigue after the long delve. Denis’ healing magic treated Hilda enough that she would recover.

Panem 23-28

The party took downtime actions while Hilda recovered from her injuries.

  • Informed Steward Valdemar of their deeds

  • Identified the Potion of Hallucination (growth) and the books

  • Sold all the treasure except the Secret Techniques of the Dayeen Assassins

Panem 29

After recovering enough to get back on her feet, Hilda came to Swanhild over mashed potatoes at the Bent Wheel and thanked her for teaching her the ways of an Eldeskhur warrior. She said that she feels ready to strike out and find her own way in the world. She took her pay and left Swanhild’s service.


Secret Techniques of the Dayeen Assassins, a massive 750 page codex written in Classical Auran. (Trainable Skill: Disguise 3. Scope 3, Complexity 4) Value 1775 gp

5 smaller books of Rythan history, 300 gp

Painting of a Rythan nobleman, 80 gp

Head of an animated iron statue, 135 gp

Iron gauntlets, 2 gp

Potion of Hallucination (growth), 500 gp

Enemies defeated:

3 animated iron statues: 135 each

XP total: 3197

640 per PC

320 per henchman

Current XP totals:

Huzn: 10,790 / 19,600 (level 4)

Swanhild: 7,070 / 9,000 (level 3)

Snak: 3,895 / 4,500 (level 2)

Olivier: 3,796 / 6,000 (level 3)

Denis: 5,295 / 6,000 (level 3)

Meinard: 3,367 / 4,000 (level 2)

Gerrit: 1,748 / 2,000 (level 1)

Gustav: 497 / 2,500 (level 1)

Hilda: 1,894 / 2,000 (level 1) (leaves Swanhild’s service)

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