Sunday, November 26, 2023

Middle Plains Campaign Session 22

 The Flour Power Pals

  • Morrin Elderbrook, Explorer 1 (Pathfinder template)
  • Fennick Fawks, Crusader 1 (Pilgrim template)

Panem (August) 15, 1181 EC

We picked up with the Pals inspecting the body of the mysterious man who’d died in the stable, and noting a slow transformation taking place in his body - his skin began to harden in places and turn brown.

After some time checking details of the goblin room and watching the skeleton phalanx in the outer ring, the players came up with a new plan to disrupt the skeletons. They moved the game board onto the floor and moved the heavy oak table to block the skeleton’s path. With the table wedged across the outer hall and through the game room door, they settled down to eat and wait for the skeletons.

But they had some unexpected company before the skeletons arrived. Morrin just barely caught the sound of scuttling feet and readied himself before a huge crab spider crawled over the table and into the game room. Despite her initial surprise, Fennick proved herself in the fight by cracking the spider’s head with a max-damage quarterstaff hit. Fennick was scratched by a fang before Morrin finished off the spider, but she wasn’t poisoned.

In a game room now crowded with the horrific dead bodies of a beetle-man, a goblin and a giant spider, the party waited to see what the skeleton phalanx would do. When they arrived, the armored undead shoved the table aside until it jammed in the doorway, then began hacking at it with spears, trying to clear the way.

Morrin shot an arrow at the Phalanx, and to the party’s surprise, all 10 skeletons turned and poured into the room to kill them!

Luckily, they’d left a rope when they climbed down from the crawlspace, and now they fled back up it. After some ineffective exchanges of arrows and thrown spears, the skeletons marched out, climbed over the table and resumed their patrol.

Gathering themselves, the party decided to explore the east side of the dungeon while the skeletons patrolled the west. They circled around, finding two more rooms with closed wooden doors.

At 4:30 on the clock face, they found what appeared to be a bedroom. In the four-poster bed was a wooden form-fitting coffin, and under it, embalmed goblins. The privy appeared connected to the room to the north. In the corner was a stand mirror similar to the game room, and on the desk silver embalming tools, a silver goblet, a journal and a large hourglass.

The hourglass was edged in ebony and ivory. The sand sat in the ivory bottom, and the ebony top had “sleep” etched in it. Lifting it carefully, Morrin saw that it said “arise” on the bottom.

The journal contained a wealth of anatomical notes, interspersed with rants about Sierk the Wizard. The writer evidently wished very much to kill Sierk, to dissect him and to take the “wizard flower” from his brain, but was afraid to.

After inspecting these, Morinn and Fennick debated what to do about the coffin. They were afraid of a vampire or mummy, and ultimately decided to set the bed on fire. It burned quickly, and they noticed that the coffin had been empty all along.

They then backtracked to the room at the 2:30 position. This room was flooded with foul water. The walls were covered in old mosaics depicting a wizard and warrior defeating various monsters. Half submerged in water was an elaborate coffin with an armored skeleton. The skeleton’s greaves were rusted, but her hands held a sword that shone despite being dipped in the water.

The party tried to drag the coffin away, but accidentally dumped the sword into the water. Morrin reached in despite the eels, and retrieved the blade.

Enemies defeated: 1 crab spider
Treasure: none
XP: 65
33 per PC

Current XP totals:

Fennick 48 / 1500, level 1
Morrin 48 / 2000, level 1

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