Baron Fingol Innes, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 3
Tavenna, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 2
Kilosz, Fighter 1
Baron Gregoire, Paladin 2
Baron Shevayron, Tratkean Fighter 2
Saporobir Caan, Explorer 2
Æredan, Navgarine Warrior 1
July 28, 427
The party spent a week in Rantal. Yet more war dogs and spiked barding were purchased, Tavenna learned her new spell (a lightning bolt spell that’s custom to this setting) and Saporobir hired a 1st level explorer named Bartosz, along with some mercenary horse archers. A new PC met us here, replacing Draeo - Æredan the Navgarine Warrior.
August 4
Party travelled north to Amtolosz along the road, meeting no trouble.
August 5
We set out north to investigate reports of kidnappings and dragonmen attacks. Farmers and traders met along the road indicated that the dragonmen attacks were further east, but they were very concerned about local disappearances.
Our hunting dogs alerted us to a strange smell along the road and we found a herd of sheep. One sheep acted strangely and stared at Shevayron. When he tried to zap it with a lightning cantrip, it transformed into a twisted plant creature. The creature was immediately torn to shreds by our war dogs.
We inspected the creature, found it was intentionally growing in the shape of a sheep to blend in. Tavenna, our historian, revealed that these monsters had been seen in part wars with Gadaszin, but had never taken stealthy forms like this. Ravenna, also being our animal expert, inspected every sheep but found no more monsters. We collected some ichor, and set our hunting dogs on the trail of the plant creature, which led us east into the forest.
Later in the day, Greg spotted something shiny in the grass… a diamond ring. He decided to try it on. Fingol cast protection from power on him in case of a curse, but it wasn’t enough. Greg was cursed and his strength halved!
Near the end of the day we came across some old Navgarine ruins. This had been a city of carefully grown trees, now overgrown and ruined. Æredan found some inscriptions, which allowed Tavenna to identify the ruins as the ancient city of Blessed River. We camped here after spending an inordinate amount of time convincing the noble paladin Gregoire not to intentionally get killed in the forest at night or try to start a forest fire.
August 6
We explored some paths through the dense forest ruins. We came across small groups of goblins and kobolds, and both were dispatched without much danger.
The goblin group was camped around a broken statue plinth. Our Navgarines read the inscription, which named an ancient Keeper famously slain by dragons.
After slaying the kobolds we approached a stone structure, which we guessed to be the keep of the ancient Navgarine city.