Saturday, June 8, 2024

Novalia Kids Campaign Session 5

The Protectors of People


  • Emily, Fighter 1


  • Fight Wizard, Wizard 1

    • Firesword, Fighter 1

    • Jack Armstrong, Thief 1

Dolor 17, 1181 EC

10:30 am

Jack Armstrong burst through a hanging curtain and emerged into a long chamber with a particularly large kobold sitting in a tall chair at the far end. Surrounding him were 9 other kobolds with axes and javelins readied. 

“You enter the hall of Urza, king of the koboldssss. Why have you come?”

Fight Wizard: “To fight you!”

Reaction roll: snake eyes. Well I guess that's pretty clear!

“You dare??? Sssssslay them!”

The dog-lizard men barked with fury, but Fight Wizard was faster, and 9/10 kobolds instantly succumbed to magical slumber! The kids then gleefully charged in and massacred them, beheading all the sleepers.

They searched the bodies, but Emily thought the king's bronze torc and silver ring were “suspicious” and left them behind. Then they proceeded into the king's treasure room. Evy said something like “seems strange that they left all this unguarded.”

The logic was a bit odd since there had been 10 kobolds guarding the entrance, but the result was that the party was not surprised by the hidden spitting cobra, and it was dispatched easily.

The party loaded themselves up with valuables, but on the way back out, they heard movement ahead. I rolled a random encounter and it was… one hobgoblin. So this guy checking in on the kobolds walked in on a scene of carnage and three kobold survivors who began to fill him in. Having heard the voices, the party set down their treasures and charged! 

The hob and one kobold went down and the other two fled. The party pursued. This began a chase that went literally across the entire dungeon. I used initiative rolls to see if the party would catch up, and it took so long that by the time they caught the second one, they were right at the foot of the ziggurat! 

“WHO DARES ENTER MY COURTYARD,” boomed a massive voice. Purple and black wings loomed up and the party looked into the face of a young dragon.

Enemies defeated: 9 kobolds, Urzu, king of the kobolds, 1 spitting cobra

Treasure: none

XP: 23 per PC

Current XP totals:

Emily: 768 / 2,000 (level 1)

Fight Wizard: 768 / 2,500 (level 1)

Firesword: 383 / 2,000 (level 1)

Jack Armstrong: 38 / 1,250 (level 1)

Dark Age of Eracost Session 7

  Party Baron Fingol Innes, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 3 Tavenna, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 2 Kilosz, Fighter 1 Baron Gregoire, Palad...