Friday, April 26, 2024

Novalia Campaign Kids Session 1

Session 1

The Protectors of People

  • Emily, Fighter 1
  • Fight Wizard, Wizard 1
    • Firesword, Fighter 1
Panem 29, 1181 EC

This was the first session where the kids got into role-playing their characters and interacting with an ongoing world, and the first one where I’m keeping detailed notes, so I’m calling it session 1. They’re being dropped into the Auran Empire Borderlands as it exists in my Novalia setting, using the ACKS module Sinister Stone of Sakkara as a starting point.

Emily, Fight Wizard and Firesword arrived at the gates of Turos Tem, on the eastern borderlands of the Auran Empire. They’d heard the rumors of sharply increasing beastmen attacks near the Viaspen Forest, and the 2000 gp reward offered by Legate Valerian for finding the source of the attacks and putting a stop to them.

Having never had this much of an open-ended situation, they got a bit silly and spent some time climbing trees and picking flowers before entering the fort. They explored the stables, read the message board at the Headquarters, and visited the tavern, then decided to settle in and hire some more henchmen. They spent two weeks (and the rest of the session) interviewing candidates before each hiring another henchman.

After several failed attempts, Emily hired the 0-level Explorer Ashia, and Fight Wizard hired 1st-level thief Jack Armstrong, aka “muscular man”. The party then settled on a name: the Protectors of People.

Dolor 12

Having found some more heroes, they’re ready to head out into the Viaspen Forest next time.

Current XP totals:
Emily: 691 / 2,000 (level 1)
Fight Wizard: 691 / 2,500 (level 1)

Firesword: 345 / 2,000 (level 1)
Jack Armstrong: 0 / 1,250 (level 1)
Ashia: 0 / 2,000 (level 0)

Earlier sessions

The kids played a couple of sessions with Fight Wizard and Emily, clearing one-shot dungeons. In summary:
Fought some goblins
Rescued townsfolk
Hired a henchman each
Emily’s henchman was slain by the goblins
Fight wizard had one ear cut off
They gained a few hundred gold in loot and rewards, plus Fight Wizard got a healing potion and Emily got a jeweled dagger.

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