Monday, February 26, 2024

Novalia Campaign Session 27

 The Body Builders:


  • Huzn Erste, Dwarven Fury 4

    • Denis, Crusader of Phanriel 3

    • Meinard, Fighter 2

    • Gustav, Mage 1


  • Swanhild of Eldeskhur, Barbarian 3

    • Hilda Zorig, Barbarian 1


  • Olivier Dufresne, Venturer 2

Panem 21, 1181 EC

Early in the morning, a messenger from Sir Niklaus reported to Huzn at his home. It seemed that the Count’s Delvers had already returned.

“They found a strong iron door at the bottom of the stairs, and were unable to pass it. The lock is now jammed.”

This led to an involved discussion among the Body Builders as to their next move. They strongly considered having a go at bypassing the iron door themselves, but ultimately decided on an expedition to the temple outside Wereqat Al Manzil, where they had recently fought the lizardmen.

The party immediately began stocking up for the expedition, purchasing several mules and related supplies.

Huzn went to the local Physicker Franz Ahler and was fitted for a prosthetic arm. He ended up buying a handsome silver-plated model and commissioning a gold-plated one.

Just before noon the unexpected struck - the ground shook, and the party heard screams and the crashing of tumbling bricks filling the town. It was an earthquake - something unheard of in the middle plains. The party scrambled back to the western square. Huzn’s house seemed to be intact, but Riele Horn’s house had suffered the complete collapse of its tower.

Immediately suspecting that the earthquake was caused by Riele, the party rushed to check on the Priory. With most of the brothers in town aiding the wounded, the Priory was quiet, apart from Isaac the porter. Down below the cellar, the party found that the wards against evil and the stone wall were intact.

Next they checked the secret stair beneath the Bent Wheel, but again turned back. The dwarven stone door to Adan’s Landing was impossible to open as the door frame had cracked and sagged onto the door.

Still, the party remained determined to get underground quickly and look for evidence of Riele’s activity. They gathered the supplies they had prepared for their expedition and set off for the nearby Shrieking Hollow instead.

The sinkhole entrance to the Hollow appeared undisturbed, but the party proceeded with great caution. The extra caution paid off almost immediately as they heard footsteps shortly after descending. They managed to get the drop on a wandering group of lizardmen and wiped them out efficiently.

On the second level of the cave they ran into four giant luminous beetles. Hilda briefly went down in the fight, but after Denis called down the healing light of Phanriel upon her, she laughed at the scar that a moment ago had been a near-severed hand.

Finally, about 3 hours after the earthquake, the party found themselves at the spot where they had last seen Riele’s assumed companion, Adan. The site of the battle was abandoned, the goblin bodies dragged away and the fires long burned out.

Beyond, they came again to the large room they’d found months ago - a vault with marble pillars, skeletal statues, two floating illumination spells, and a marble door marked with an angel battling a demon. As before they saw that the carved demon appeared to have the upper hand. Denis suspected that the place belonged to a demonic cult of some kind.

When they had last come here, being afraid to enter, Huzn had dragged the body of a man out of the room with a grappling hook.

Now entering, they noticed several details that hadn’t been there before. A roughly dug tunnel in the north wall, and signs of an abandoned campsite. There had been some sort of markings and writing on the floor, but it was smudged and wiped away. There were signs of campfires and a tent, but it was gone.

The party closely inspected the door, but it was baffling. No cracks around the edges, no handles or opening mechanism, no visible hinges, and it didn’t sound hollow.

They went down the crudely dug path. Huzn identified it as goblin work. After two hours of meticulous progress, they abandoned checking for traps and marched down the tunnel as fast as possible. It took them three miles back toward Priorsford, before emptying into an older stone corridor. They figured this had to be beneath the town somewhere.

Behind a wooden door they found an ancient, circular wood-paneled chamber which looked like an abandoned library.  They spent some time searching this room, and uncovered a hidden compartment with an unidentified potion.

Upstairs from the library, beyond another room piled with dirt, they found a foyer with three armoires, a fourth having been destroyed. Despite expecting them to come to life immediately, Huzn entered the room, and they did exactly that.

Here we paused. 9:30 PM on Panem 21, 1181 EC.

Treasure: None

Enemies defeated: 6 lizardmen, 4 giant luminous beetles


54 per PC

27 per henchman

Current XP totals:

Huzn: 10,150 / 19,600 (level 4)

Swanhild: 6,430 / 9,000 (level 3)

Snak: 3,895 / 4,500 (level 2)

Olivier: 3,156 / 6,000 (level 3)

Denis: 4,975 / 6,000 (level 3)

Meinard:         3,047 / 4,000 (level 2)

Gerrit: 1,748 / 2,000 (level 1)

Gustav:         177 / 2,500 (level 1)

Hilda: 1,574 / 2,000 (level 1)

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Novalia Campaign Session 26

The Body Builders:


  • Huzn Erste, Dwarven Fury 4

    • Denis, Crusader of Phanriel 3

    • Meinard, Fighter 2

    • Gustav, Mage 1


  • Swanhild of Eldeskhur, Barbarian 3

    • Hilda Zorig, Barbarian 1


  • Snak, Barbarian 2

    • Gerrit, Fighter 1


  • Olivier Dufresne, Venturer 2

Panem 18, 1181 EC

The day before the witch moon, several of the party toured the defenses of Priorsford, led by Huzn. They assisted in gathering water stockpiles and piling the bonfires which were prepared at intervals all around the town.


Swanhild set about questioning key people in town regarding the new information she had from Ehsan about Adan Rosul. She questioned the brothers at the priory and found that the prior is normally able to remove curses, but he had been unable to break the connection between Adan and the sword. Searlus likewise confirmed that Adan had come to him, and said that he wished he could have taken the sword and made a pretty penny. Swanhild asked how, but he insisted that this was a professional secret.

Uwe, the keeper of the Bent Wheel, confirmed that Adan had always worn that sword since he arrived in Priorsford six years earlier. He described it as “with a black hilt carved with fantastic beasts,” and questioned whether it had Cthonic or Draconic origins.

While she was at the Wheel, Uwe pointed out a notice on fine parchment pinned to the door.

In a fine hand:

“His Royal Highness King Aldric of Sudet and his Numinous Brightness High Patriarch Nikolaus of Tugenheim call for a crusade to fully liberate the land of Berra from the accursed scourge of the Qadim.”

Beneath, in a different but equally skilled hand.

“Prince Reeve has ordered all noblemen of valor to gather their armies.”

Panem 19, daytime

Meinard introduced Huzn to a Master Builder who was willing to begin Huzn’s house construction project, as soon as the witch moon was past and suitable guarantees of safety at the site were made. He was qualified to build everything except the basement entrance into the sinkhole, which would require an Engineer’s oversight.

Most of the party visited the County offices and met with the Count’s steward, Valdemar. They related the full story of their expedition. Huzn asked about developments relating to Riele Horn, and found out that the Count’s Delvers were scheduled to descend the hidden staircase on the 20th.

Olivier and Snak visited Sasha Waltz to have her appraise the curious glowing crystal. Sasha was able to identify it in her makeshift laboratory as Moonglow Crystal - an extremely rare universal enchanting agent. With Olivier’s skilled negotiating, she agreed to a price of 12100 gp on behalf of the House of the Eyeless.

Huzn inspected his house, and left Meinard and Gustav on guard there with his four mercenary guards.

Everyone except Meinard and Gustav went to Blessed Anthony’s Priory to shelter during the Witch Moon. Those characters who were devout followers of the Compact spent the night in prayer with the brothers. Swanhild and Snak went up to the bell tower to watch over the town.

Panem 19, after dusk

Swanhild and Snak witnessed a guard drop his weapons and run toward the forest, only to be tackled and dragged back kicking and screaming to the formation of guardsmen on watch.

Meinard and Gustav heard heavy footsteps and goblinoid voices outside. They peeked out the windows to see massive black humanoid figures lurking in the shadow of the building. However, the building’s perimeter was not disturbed.

Panem 20

Regrouping at the Bent Wheel, the party exchanged stories. The patrons of the Wheel described a swarm of insects covering windows, but none could tell whether they were merely drunken tales.

Exhausted from keeping vigil through the night, the Body Builders slept through the day, along with most of Priorsford.

Treasure: None

Enemies defeated: None

XP: 200 campaign XP per PC

100 campaign XP per Henchman

Note: Campaign XP is reduced by each character’s campaign XP threshold.

Current XP totals:

Huzn: 10,096 / 19,600 (level 4)

Swanhild: 6,376 / 9,000 (level 3)

Snak: 3,841 / 4,500 (level 2)

Olivier: 3,102 / 3,000 (advances to level 3)

Denis: 4,948 / 6,000 (level 3)

Meinard:         3,020 / 4,000 (level 2)

Gerrit: 1,721 / 2,000 (level 1)

Gustav:         150 / 2,500 (level 1)

Hilda: 1,547 / 2,000 (level 1)

Dark Age of Eracost Session 7

  Party Baron Fingol Innes, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 3 Tavenna, Navgarine Keeper of the Stars 2 Kilosz, Fighter 1 Baron Gregoire, Palad...